Wednesday, June 10, 2009

RSS Feeds

One of my assignments in the classroom is to pick a few articles and summarize them in order to create a sort of project if you will out of it. I chose RSS feeds for e-learning instruction. To be honest I am having a more difficult time with this one than I thought. The only real article that I can find to help me out here is to be able to use them in such a case in which instructors could use RSS as a way of sending announcements to their students. So instead of sending an e-mail in which in some cases could be blocked by junk mail filters, non-delieverable due to bad addresses, etc. You could use RSS as an subscribe feature to where your students will get instant updates and news. I find this pretty cool, the only problem is that this might take a while to develop to where it is used all the time since e-mailing the class is pretty much standard if something important shows up.

Although I have found some personal uses for RSS in which you could have something be delivered to you daily as mentioned above a subscribe feature perhaps. I think e-learning could use something like this because if someone is taking a distance education course or Internet course, they could have their assignments and readings sent to them everyday without having to do anything. I will look more into this idea and possibly expand on it.

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the biggest flaws of the blackboard system, the lack of constant notification. If a teacher puts a module up with a due date of tomorrow, it should be able to notify me.

    Hopefully someone becomes a bit of a genius and utilizes the RSS technology you're talking about.
